You guys, they must've seen me a mile away. I jumped on this holiday like crazy woman! I got what I needed from the grocery store to make Homemade Raspberry Danish. I've had a love affair with Entenmann's danishes for as long as I can remember. And when Google dropped a copycat recipe in my lap, I could practically taste it. WE HAD TO MAKE IT.

For us, National Coffee Cake Day simply transformed into Coffee Cake Weekend!
Anything celebrated well should be documented well! Or so says, mama paparazzi! Here are some pics of us making and enjoying our weekend with our Homemade Raspberry Danish.
Our National Coffee Cake Raspberry Danish Day Weekend

(bottom left) My poor sick one year old, Tootsie Roll, woke up from her nap and needed to lend a helping hand.
(bottom right) And here it is, in all its yumminess, our Homemade Raspberry Danish! And, that's it! Hope you enjoyed National Coffee Cake Day.
Leave us a comment below, we'd love to hear from you! Do you get any Coffee Cake or Danish on Friday? What's your favorite sweet?
As always, follow us on Facebook, tweet at us on Twitter, and check out our Instagram!
#CaffeinatedMelly #CalebrateEveryday #NationalCoffeeCakeDay
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