Exciting Bible Studies.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

In the spring, I "stumbled upon" a blog by the name of  Women Living Well. It is written by a Christian lady by the name of Courtney. She is a wife, a mom, a homeschooler, a bible study leader, a blogger and I'm sure much more. 

When I say I stumbled upon this blog, I want to make it very clear that I don't actually believe my seemingly random internet searches really deserve the credit; I'm a firm believer that God is Sovereign over the biggest and smallest things - including Google searches.

Where am I going with this? You'll see.

The Lord's timing is quite perfect. Quite often I unwind by sitting in front of the computer and looking up whatever pops in my head: potty training, bread recipes, mom hairstyles, bible studies, GPS trackers for toddlers, sewing pattern, etc. You get the point! So there I was Google-ing and blog-hopping, and I found this Proverbs 31 Bible Study through another blogger I follow. It started that Monday. (I blogged about it when I first started it.) It was nearly 3 months long, and really such a blessing to me and hopefully that spreads to my family. I have so much to say about the study, but I will wait for a future post to elaborate much more!

I hope my excitement is more contagious than just plain weird. :) There are two things that are coming up soon that I wanted to share with you:

First, there is a new bible study starting September 17th on Colossians. You can find it RIGHT HERE!! on the sister site, Good Morning Girls.

Second, I couldn't sleep last night so browsing that Women Living Well site, I came across a series starting this Monday on marriage. I've always cringed at the thought of marriage seminars or marital counseling because, in my mind, I've always linked that with couples who are crashing, burning and throwing their fine china across the room. But I don't think that is the case! Courtney is teaming up with a few other Christian-wife bloggers and it looks like it will be very good. You can find more info on this RIGHT HERE!!

And before I forget, ALL of these resources are FREE. I don't know about you, but that was a big deal to me! :)

OK, I am done with my bible study show-and-tell. I just really wanted to share these with everyone!

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